Pirformis Syndrome

What is Piriformis Syndrome?

Piriformis syndrome is a condition that can cause pain in the buttocks and down the leg. It is caused by the piriformis muscle, which is a small muscle located deep in the buttocks, irritating the sciatic nerve. The condition is more common in runners because of the repetitive motion of the hip and leg, which can lead to the muscle becoming tight and inflamed.  

Symptoms of Pirformis Syndrome

Pain that starts in the butt, travels down the back of the leg, and into the foot. It may be worse with running. – Pain in the sciatic nerve area that can be sharp, dull, or burning, especially when you’re moving. – Numbness and tingling (pins and needles) in the back of the leg and foot that come and go. – Shooting pain in the butt accompanied by a muscle twitch. – Pain and swelling in the buttocks that can spread to the hip, thigh, and knee. – Weakness in the leg and foot. – Difficulty walking and sitting. – Inflammation in the joints of the hip and pelvis. 

There are  some exercises that will help to ease the pain and prevent it from recurring.

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